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Despues de una semana de tanto batallar y buscando informacion en todos lados, pude encontrar como depurar mis Archivos de ASP (si ASP...... no ASP.NET).....

Bueno..... lo primero es agregar el proyecto a VS 2003... para eso solo se crea un "Proyecto Web en Blanco"...... ya creado solo hay que agregar los archivos que conforman el sitio web (desde el Explorador de Soluciones clic derecho en el proyecto y Agregar elemento existente...... o bien arrastren la carpeta desde una ventana del explorador hasta el Explorador de Soluciones.....)

Ahora...... desde el menu Proyecto - Propiedades de ..... se debe seleccionar la opcion depuracion ASP

Si despues de esto les manda el error:

Server object, ASP 0178 (0x800A0005) The call to Server.CreateObject failed while checking permissions. Access is denied to this object.

Microsoft nos dice el por que:

The authenticating user, usually the IUSR_ account if you are using anonymous access, does not have the appropriate permissions to access the DCOM Server (VB6.exe in this case). When you are debugging COM+ Components in the Visual Basic IDE, the launching user is the interactive user; the user that is accessing the DCOM Server is the authenticating user.Because there is no DCOM entry for VB6.exe, DCOM uses the default permissions. In Windows 2000 and Windows XP, the DCOM Default Access Permissions are only given to the System account and the launching user by default. Because the launching user and the user accessing the DCOM Server are not the same, the error message shown in the "Symptoms" section occurs.

Bueno.... para solucionarlo.....

1. Create the entry for VB ASP Debugging in DCOM:
a. Start Microsoft Notepad or another text editor and type the following case-sensitive syntax:

REGEDIT4[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{70F214BA-94E2-4bdf-8F30-32CB4A905E4D}]@="VB ASP Debugging"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{70F214BA-94E2-4bdf-8F30-32CB4A905E4D}\LocalServer32]@="vb6.exe"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\vb6.exe]"AppId"="{70F214BA-94E2-4bdf-8F30-32CB4A905E4D}"

b. Save the file as Vbaspdbg.reg.
c. Locate the folder where you saved the Vbaspdbg.reg file and double-click the file (it automatically registers itself in the Windows registry).

2. Add the Everyone account to the DCOM permissions for Visual Basic ASP debugging.

Windows 2000
a. Start DCOMCNFG. On the Start menu, click Run, and then type dcomcnfg in the dialog box.
b. On the Distributed COM Configuration Properties page, click the Applications tab, select VB ASP Debugging from the list, and then click Properties.
c. In the VB ASP Debugging Properties property sheet, click the Securities tab, and then click to select the Use custom access permissions check box. Click Edit.
d. In the Registry Value Permissions window, click Add, and then add the Everyone account for Allow Access.
e. Click OK, and then click Apply to apply the changes and exit the Distributed COM Configuration properties page.
f. Restart the computer so that the changes take effect.

Windows XP

a. Start COM+ Explorer. On the Start menu, click Admin Tools, and then click Component Services.
b. Click to expand Component Services, click to expand Computers, click to expand My Computer, and then click to expand DCOM Config.
c. Right-click VB ASP Debugging, and the click Properties.
d. On the Securities tab, under Access Permissions, select Customize, and then click Edit.
e. In the Access Permission window, click Add, and then add the Everyone account for Allow Access option.
f. Click OK, click Apply, and then click OK to apply the changes and exit the DCOM Configuration properties page.
g. Restart the computer so that the changes take effect.


1. For debugging purposes, configure the Application Protection of Virtual Directory where the ASP page resides to "High (Isolated)." This forces the ASP page to run in its own process, which allows the security to be changed without affecting the rest of the Web site.

a. Start Internet Services Manager.
b. Right-click the Virtual Directory where the ASP page resides, and then click Properties.
c. Click the Virtual Directory tab, and then select High (Isolated) in the Application Protection drop-down list.
d. Click Apply.
2.Turn off Anonymous Access for this Virtual Directory and make sure Integrated Windows authentication or Basic authentication is selected:
a. On the Properties dialog box for the Virtual Directory, click the Directory Security tab.
b. Click Edit for Anonymous access and authentication control.
c. Make sure that the Anonymous access check box is cleared.
d. Click either Integrated Windows authentication or Basic authentication.
3. If Integrated Windows authentication is used, then run the client browser to access the ASP page under the same user account as the Visual Basic IDE debug session. If Basic authentication is used, enter the username and password for the same user account that the Visual Basic IDE debug session is running under.Note The second workaround assumes that the COM "Default Access Permissions" have not been altered. If the "Default Access Permissions" have never been altered, then COM constructs an access control list (ACL) that grants permission to the System account and Server Identity. In this scenario, the Server Identity is the user logged in running the Visual Basic IDE debug session. If the DCOM "Default Access Permissions" have been altered, then the second workaround requires that the user account that the Visual Basic IDE debug session is running under be added to "Default Access Permissions". This can be done by using DCOMCNFG. For additional information, see the "COM security" link in the "More Information" section.

Segun con esto debe quedar, pero yo seguia teniendo problemas...... la solicion fue darle permisos al usuario de sesion y al Anonimo de IIS.... hayq eu darle permisos de VS Developers ..... y sis es necesario hasta de Administrador hay que darselo...... cuidado, esto es en un ambiente de desarrollo, cuando liberen su proyecto no es recomendable que el usuario de iis tenga persmisos de admin (no esta por demas recordarlo) .....

Si pensabas que ya habias terminado.... NEL.... todavia falta configurar el IIS para que pueda depurar ASP.... Para eso, Abrir IIS y desde la carpeta de su sitio Web, entrar a las propiedades, y en la pestaña Directorio, en el boton Configuracion (en la seccion configuracion de aplicacion)....

si le dan clic aparece otra ventana.... de la cual hay que seleccionar las opciones para depurar ASP

Se supone que con eso es mas que suficiente para poder depurar ASP..... si no les funciona....

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